Monday, December 12, 2011

Writing Android UIs with Xtend

(Update: You can find the project on github : )

Xtend is a great fit for Android development. Since Xtend translates to Java source code, it's very easy to use it. After you've installed the Xtend SDK and the Android Development Tools you only need to do two things to get started.
  1. In Eclipse's preferences configure Xtend's compiler to generated to the gen/ folder.
  2. Add the Xtend lib and Google Guava to your project's classpath. 
Why is it useful?
Using a combination of Xtend's powerful extension methods and closures, it's possible to come up with a very declarative API to define UI models. It takes a couple of minutes to write an API which allows for defining a UI like the following:

class AppActivity extends Activity {
  override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    contentView = this.linearLayout [
      orientation = VERTICAL
      view = this.textView ("Hello Android!")
      view = this.button ("Click Me!") [
        onClickListener = [ 
          this.textMessage('Hello you clicked me!').show

The API is made available by means of a static extension import. To outline the idea, here's how the button method is defined:

def static button(Context context, String text,
      (Button)=>void initializer) {
  val result = new Button(context)
  result.text = text
  return result

Used as an extension method button can be invoked on any instance of Context. Since the last argument is a function type it can be passed after the actual method invocation:

view = this.button ("Click Me!") [
        onClickListener = [ 
          this.textMessage('Hello you clicked me!').show

Also note how you can simply assign a closure to onClickListener (which is btw. invoking setOnClickListener()). The compiler will automatically convert it to an abstract class of View.OnClickListener.
And everything is 100% statically typed!