Here are the technical talks given by the core committers of Xtext and EMF:
- DSLs for Java Developers with Xtext - A full tutorial, where you can learn how to build very advanced Java-based DSLs, with surprisingly little effort.
- Xtext Best Practices - Best practices from one of the core developers and designers of Xtext.
- A fresh look at graphical editing - A simple but yet powerful approach to create graphical views not only for Xtext-based languages.
- Xcore: Ecore Meets Xtext - A new convenient and readable way to declare EMF models.
- Eclipse Xtend - A better Groovy built with Xtext.
And just in case you need some inspiration, there are a lot of sessions talking about stuff which was built with Xtext:
- Xtext success story at Google - Alex Ruiz is talking abut the experiences made while developing an Xtext-based IDE for Google's protocol buffers.
- Program thou shalt behave - In this session Jnario a DSL for behavioral-driven development in Java is presented. Built with Xtext.
- e(fx)clipse - Eclipse Tooling and Runtime for JavaFX - A DSL and a CSS editor for JavaFX development. Built with Xtext.
- DESAGN - A DSL for engineer-to-order - An Xtext-based DSL to script CAD systems and configure hardware product lines. Cool!
- Bringing the power of Eclipse to Digital Hardware designers - Experiences Sigasi made while building a professional VHDL IDE on top of Eclipse and Xtext.
- Spraying - A quick way to create Graphitis - Uses Xtext-based DSLs to simplify implementation of graphical editors in Eclipse .
Finally there are some more general sessions like:
- Win Friends and Influence People...with DSLs - 7 Habits of Successful DSL Projects
- Domain Specific Languages - Why and when DSLs and maybe as important when NOT!
Xtext core committers, that is Jan, Moritz, Sebastian, Ed and me, will be at the conference all days and be happy to discuss all kinds of topics with you. We'll have a booth where you can always find someone to talks to and most likely we'll also have a BOF session at one of the evenings.
So if you are in any case interested in Xtext and/or domain specific languages, EclipseCon 2012 is the conference to go to. It's only in five weeks, so you should register now!
And by the way there are many, many other interesting sessions going on there.
I'm looking forward to a fun community meet-up! :-)