sven efftinge's blog
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
As many of you already noticed, we had to find a company name without 'Xtext' in it. Longer story short, we finally decided for Type...
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Founding An Xtext Startup
First of all, I wish all of you a Happy New Year! In addition I'd like to update you about some decisions I made recently. Since Janua...
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Xtend: Active Annotation Processing in IntelliJ IDEA
This is a short screencast showing the use of @Accessors , @EqualsHashCode and @Data within IntelliJ IDEA 15. See how getters, setters an...
Friday, October 02, 2015
Xtext for IntelliJ IDEA - Preview
Today we've released a preview version for the upcoming IntelliJ IDEA support of Xtext . With this it is now possible to develop Xtext l...
Friday, September 11, 2015
What I learned at JavaZone 2015
This week I was lucky to go to Oslo to attend JavaZone , which is what they say " the largest community-driven developer conference in ...
Thursday, May 28, 2015
The Future of Xtext
this is a write up of a presentation I gave together with Sebastian last week at XtextCON. It is about our future plans of Xtext. But before...
Monday, March 16, 2015
Xtext moved to Github
I'm just back from EclipseCon and XtextDay in San Francisco, where we announced the new 2.8.0 release of Xtext and Xtend among some ot...
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