Monday, January 27, 2014

Quick Survey about XtextCON

Dear Xtext-Community!

we think it's time for an annual meet-up / conference ... what ever, solely on Xtext. The first one is planned to take place on May 26 and 27 and I'm in the process of building a website including the program. For that I need your help :-)

I have compiled a list of Xtext-related topics, and would like to ask you to give feedback about which you find interesting, and also which are missing. So, in case consider attending XtextCon, please take the survey below (it's just one question). Also please forward to you colleagues. the more feedback we have the better the program can be.

Also: If you are interested in presenting at XtextCON, please drop me a mail (xtextcon at itemis dot com). Thanks! :-)