In case you've missed it, we are organizing a so called XtextDay co-located with EclipseCon 2015. The program is already online for a couple of weeks:
Sebastian and I will start the day talking about the newest developments (e.g. Intellij IDEA support, web editor support, incremental standalone builders, etc.). After that we will hear how Xtext languages are used to design REST APIs. In the afternoon we have in-depth sessions on Xbase, performance and scoping, and after the coffee break we will learn how a silicon valley company use Xtext to build a commercial product for designing systems on a chip (IoT). The full program details can be found here. But that's not all..
Additional Xtext content at EclipseCon
Although it's possible to register only for the XtextDay, I recommend to book the whole EclipseCon conference as it is not only an awesome community event where you will find many new friends, but in addition to the XtextDay, there is some Xtext-related content there as well. It starts with a beginner's tutorial on Monday, which is a good preparation for the technically deeper talks following. In addition to the XtextDay and the tutorial we have:
- Building an IDE for Apache Cassandra with Eclipse RCP, e4 and Xtext by Michael Figuiere of DataStax. Datastax is the company behind the Cassandra database, and he's going to talk about the product they've built with Xtext.
- Diagrams, Xtext and UX by Jan Koehnlein. Jan is an Xtext committer and he will show a lightweight opeen-source diagram viewer framework based on JavaFX.
- Generating Business Applications from Executable Models Using Xtend and Eclipse UML2 by Raphael Chaves. Not strictly Xtext related, but a talk about a code generator built with Xtend.
- Model Your Business Like You're In 2015 by Adrian Mos. Shows a domain-specific approach to business process modelling using lots of Eclipse technologies, including Xtext.
- Sirius + Xtext = ♥ by Maxime Porhel. As the title already suggests, this talks is about integrating the graphical modelling technology Sirius with Xtext.
- System testing scientific software by Torkild U. Resheim. In this presentation Torkild will show how they used Xtext at the Norwegian Marine Research Institue (MARINTEK) to describe tests for marine operation simulations.
- The Making of XRobots by Jan Koehnlein and Miro Spoenemann. Jan and Miro (who is btw. a new committer to Xtext) are going to show how our XRobots game was built. You will see it's a really nerdy mash-up of strange technologies :-). Of course we will have the XRobots at our booth for the whole conference, let's see who will come up with the winner robot this time!
So quite some content in addition to XtextDay. If you consider using Xtext for something or you are already using it, then you should definitely come and join the sessions, discussions and party! :-)